Blog Written for Business Owners, Marketing Managers, Business Development Managers and for individuals building their own brand or others who are looking for increased marketing effectiveness AND increased ROI on their marketing dollars.
Consider This:
Often, modest-sized organizations have grown successfully due to the efforts of their leaders. They have discovered marketing techniques that are frequently effective. However, their marketing efforts are often disjointed and lack efficiency.
The purpose of our blog is to: Introduce you to a very efficient, effective and integrated marketing system called YNS*.
*YNS Means Your Network 4 Success
YNS ALSO Means Enhanced Marketing ROI!
We help you enhance your marketing ROI via our advanced, field-proven Integrated Marketing System {IMS2}**
It is focused on creating a Highly Effective Integrated Marketing System { IMS2} designed to:
- Expand Awareness of YOUR business in your targeted market place. We help to expand your presence and reinforce your credibility.
- Stimulate Interest among your potential qualified customers to contact you to learn how to do business with your firm. Thus, improving the quality of your leads.
- Increase YOUR Trial/Sales by positioning you to get potential customers to try/buy your products and services.
- Improve YOUR Retention by identifying your most loyal customers and stimulating them to re-buy your Product/Service Packages, supply personally qualified referrals among other techniques for improving retention and new purchases.
- PLUS much more…
Our goal is to have you either:
- Use our Integrated Marketing System for your own benefit. OR
- Build your own Integrated Marketing System.
What Integrated Marketing is NOT.
We have had discussion with “marketeers” who think that using their brand name across multiple marketing methods is Integrated Marketing. This use may well be part of an IMS, but it falls far short of our meaning.
So What Do We Mean By Integrated Marketing to Us?
Our definition of the integrated marketing process. It is that:
Marketing is the smooth flow of communication activities starting with building awareness, through stimulating interest in your Product/Service Package so that a qualified, prospective customer takes action to contact your business and then is willing to try your Package. Your Customer becomes so satisfied that he continues to buy your Packages and, better yet, becomes an advocate of them.
What does IMS2 (Squared) Mean? Go to Blog 1.B. for a complete explanation. Go to LINK
Next Steps
Once you have read the FREE blogs (1-7), feel free to contact us for a FREE assessment of your current marketing system, so we can determine how we might help you multiply your marketing investment.
Contact us today for a free assessment of your current marketing system, so we can determine how we might help you multiply your marketing investment.
Bottom Line – you gain a competitive advantage over your competitors thus, increasing your market share. By implementing our system You learn how to Turn $1.00 of Marketing into $10.00. If your marketing team cannot explain how they are accomplishing these objectives within one complete marketing system, you should follow our future blogs that explain how to proceed.
If you want move faster and gain a COMPETITIVE advantage over our other blog readers, feel free to call or e-mail us to get started.
We look forward to putting our experience, expertise and creativity to work for you. If you want to start today, contact us now.
Sign-Up for our Bronze Level membership for FREE!
Paid Subscription Required (Gold and Silver Memberships) for access to even more blog posts and tips, consultations, and more.
With Gold and Silver Memberships, you’ll have access to:
Blog Topic #8 – Where Does Social Media Fit?
Blog Topic #9 – Be Sure your Strategy Meshes with the YNS System
Blog Topic #10 – Developing Your Goals
Blog Topic #11 – Developing Your Tactical Marketing Plan
Blog Topic #12 – Maximizing Your System Results
How to contact us:
Call – 716-634-7013 | E-mail –| Write: The CTF Building, 37 N. Union Rd. Buffalo, NY 14221
NOTE: You have prior permission to use or reprint any blog we publish on our web-site as long as you reproduce it in its entirety AND send us notification of where and how you used it. Should you want to excerpt it, you must provide a link and/or if used in hard copy form, you must provide our complete URL plus send us notification of where and how you used it.