Blog Written for Business Owners, Marketing Managers, Business Development Managers and for individuals building their own brand or others who are looking for increased marketing effectiveness AND increased ROI on their marketing dollars.
Consider This:
Your business has been successful to date. However, due to the sluggish economy, your top line sales are not growing, nor is your profitability. You have decided it’s time to change this situation. You are looking around to determine the best course of action. You want to know more about integrated marketing systems.
The purpose of this blog is to: Introduce you to YNS’ Integrated Marketing System {IMS2}**
By implementing our system You learn how to Turn $1.00 of Marketing into $10.00.
Ok. How do we help you accomplish this feat?
Simple Answer
- By implementing an Integrated Marketing System {IMS2} that produces better results 4 LESS!
What is YNS’ Integrated Marketing System?
YNS IMS is an advanced marketing concept devised to take advantage of the many of the natural marketing assets a mature business has built up over its life, but which are not being utilized as effectively or efficiently as possible.
One of these assets lies in the variety of marketing methods your business has built up over its years of successful operation.
Since one of the most effective ways of growing your business is to get increased productivity from your marketing methods, CTF helps you integrate and leverage* your most valuable marketing assets into a system that works together to produce more $ales and profitability for the same marketing investment.
Integrated marketing does not simply mean a common thread or consistent message. It means much more.
Generally, each marketing element your firm uses is categorized to help you achieve one or
more of the following four marketing objectives:
- Enhance Awareness,
- Stimulate Interest,
- Increase Trial/Sales AND
- Enhance Long-term Customer Retention.
And although each marketing method may be targeted to your most responsive market segment, they are not targeted by stage in the buying cycle, nor are they GENERALLY designed to work together.
YNS’ Integrated Marketing System (Squared) IMS2 is:
(1) Designed to accomplish each of the FOUR major marketing objectives (above)
(2) Targeted to your customers’ buying cycles
(3) Designed to create synergy among the these four stages
(4) Designed to leverage your investment in each method in order to produce better results
(5) Enfolds the best Social Media elements into your prior marketing methods
(6) Thus, creating a significant competitive advantage.
Furthermore the system is designed to be continuous, produce both short and long term results and be economically efficient and effective.
How Does YNS Help You Achieve These Results?
Step 1 – Increase Awareness (A)
In its simplest form we create one or more marketing tools to increase awareness of your business and it products continuously within your IDEAL target market by using multiple marketing tools.
Step 2 – Stimulate Interest (I)
By creating this awareness and by offering low risk opportunities for some of your IDEAL prospects to get to know you personally and interact with you in this low risk environment, we enable you to qualify them and set sales appointments.
Step 3 – Produce Trial/Sales (T/S)
YNS IMS2 positions you set appointments with (1) IDEAL prospects and/or (2) prospects who are highly qualified to make a purchase of your P/S Package and have demonstrated sufficient interest in your product to take action.
Whether you make a sale of not, we will help you understand where your prospective customer is in his/her sales cycle, and insure you have an opportunity to reenter the picture when your prospect is ready to buy or switch.
Step 4 – Enhance Long-term Customer Retention (R)
Especially designed for your existing and new customers, the contacts made are designed to enhance their awareness of your NEW offers and stimulate interest in additional P/S Package you can supply.
Order our special review of what happens when each element of the system increases YOUR RESULTS BY JUST 20%. Visit: and become a subscriber, or call us at 575-RESULT6 (575-737-8586) to receive your copy.
How Does It Produce The Benefits We Allege?
First, the process forges a comprehensive Marketing System based on your existing marketing
Strengths and marries them with our multiple marketing channels.
Second, it is continuous à your prospective customers are always in the loop (unless they opt out).
Third, each element enhances the next and the one after it.
Fourth, thus, leverage is produced since all the elements work together as a system.
Fifth, this combination of factors produce Synergy à (i.e. producing a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts).
Sixth, should you choose to continue to grow, you can maintain a Perpetual Growth System for as long as you wish.
Seventh, it focuses on producing more IDEAL customers (i.e. those who buy more and are more profitable)
Eighth, combined together, these features produce a significant competitive advantage for your business.
If you would like to learn more, let’s get together.
Improve your marketing results, obtain Increased ROI AND Get the Squared Benefits!
YNS can apply our knowledge and methodology to your organization. Help us understand your needs so, we can help you build your business.
Next Steps
Once you have read the FREE blogs (1-7), feel free to contact us for a FREE assessment of your current marketing system, so we can determine how we might help you multiply your marketing investment.
Contact us today for a free assessment of your current marketing system, so we can determine how we might help you multiply your marketing investment.
Bottom Line – you gain a competitive advantage over your competitors thus, increasing your market share. By implementing our system You learn how to Turn $1.00 of Marketing into $10.00. If your marketing team cannot explain how they are accomplishing these objectives within one complete marketing system, you should follow our future blogs that explain how to proceed.
If you want move faster and gain a COMPETITIVE advantage over our other blog readers, feel free to call or e-mail us to get started.
We look forward to putting our experience, expertise and creativity to work for you. If you want to start today, contact us now.
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Paid Subscription Required (Gold and Silver Memberships) for access to even more blog posts and tips, consultations, and more.
With Gold and Silver Memberships, you’ll have access to:
Blog Topic #8 – Where Does Social Media Fit?
Blog Topic #9 – Be Sure your Strategy Meshes with the YNS System
Blog Topic #10 – Developing Your Goals
Blog Topic #11 – Developing Your Tactical Marketing Plan
Blog Topic #12 – Maximizing Your System Results
How to contact us:
Call – 716-634-7013 | E-mail –| Write: The CTF Building, 37 N. Union Rd. Buffalo, NY 14221
NOTE: You have prior permission to use or reprint any blog we publish on our web-site as long as you reproduce it in its entirety AND send us notification of where and how you used it. Should you want to excerpt it, you must provide a link and/or if used in hard copy form, you must provide our complete URL plus send us notification of where and how you used it.
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*Leverage is a technical marketing term YNS has refined for use with its customers (see details described in subsequent materials) and just like a mechanical lever is designed to produce greater results with less effort.