This TIP is provided by Joe Chimera, founder of Your Network 4 Success. Our mission is to help businesses and people g r O WAND Pro$per!
CONSIDER THIS: Business is great. Now, your business needs to double in size. You are intimidated by the prospect of hiring so many new people so quickly.
The recruitment and selection of your employees is one of the most important factors in good personnel management. If you hire the wrong people it could mean disaster for your small business.
Thus, your hiring goal should be to attract and keep hardworking, intelligent and loyal employees. Your ultimate objective is to build a “base” of loyal workers that you can rely on to stay with you as the business grows.
Because you are in competition with other businesses, especially larger ones, you must develop the best possible set of working conditions to attract and retain good employees who have the potential to make your business grow.
If your business is small, it is unlikely that you will be able to offer large business pay scales, their wide range of benefits or provide as stable or secure a future.
Therefore, you are going to have to make up for these shortcomings by giving your employees more challenging assignments, more flexible working conditions, and basically providing a great place to work. People work hardest when they feel they are an integral part of the business, are involved in decision making and are recognized for their contributions. Creating the right setting to foster these conditions cost very little when used properly can provide spectacular returns.
One easy way to start is by simply asking each existing employee a key question like, “Given the authority, in what aspect of your job do you think you could have even greater impact than you do now?” The focus of the follow-up discussion should center on the ideas, plan and resources required to achieve this impact.
Encourage answers that:
- Seek permission to experiment and do things differently.
- Require the participation and persuasion of others.
- Have a well thought out plan.
- Above all communicate your support even if the test fails.
Another way is to determine whether some form of quality circle program will work in your business. The idea is relatively simple in concept. Employees get together on a regular basis to discuss how to improve the quality of the products they make or services they provide. These discussions can and should be free form and should focus on all aspects of your business.
As long as effective follow-through is maintained, the process should produce positive results on both employee morale, on the quality or services your firm provides and most importantly.
The task of building loyal employees will be easier and more effective.
Your Network 4 Success is pleased to have brought you this business tip. For a transcript of this tip or more information, visit our web-site Network4Success.com. For greater in depth business information, watch our TV program Takin’ Care of Business at 7:00 pm on Wed. Nights or 7:00 am Fri mornings on FREE TV, WBXZ-TV Channel 56.1. Our goal is to deliver at least one bottom line/profit producing idea you can implement immediately! What is the value of one bottomline idea worth to you? $50? Have we accomplished our goal? Please let us know.
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